

Elixir Botanica endeavours to be your most trusted partner in holistic healthcare through natural remedies and supplements.  We aim to serve, educate and empower our customers on alternative options available for the maintenance of their good health and active youthful-ageing by providing the best, safest and efficacious natural and herbal products for everyone.


What we hope to do:

(i)                  Our main focus is to help people stay and keep healthy through supplementing their diet with key nutrients needed at the cellular level.  So as to enable them to keep running, climb their mountains and do whatever physical activities they wish, plus have all their mental and physiological faculties intact to accomplish these desire. We want them to enjoy and live their lives as best as they can to the fullest.


(ii)                We hope to enlighten the community we live in, to experience a mindset shift from constantly planning for a sick, diseased and weak sad self as they age to one that is empowered to live all their days happy, mentally and physically strong and as active and healthy, as they can.


(iii)               By helping our clients achieve their desired healthy status, we believe we not only enrich their lives but also their wealth – because health is wealth.