Rosemary Chng graduated with an MSc (Botany) degree from the National University of Singapore in 1996, specialising in the conservation of taro plant genetic resources and tissue culture on an International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) sponsorship. Her basic and honours degree were obtained from NUS in 1987 (BSc) and 1988 (BSc, Hons in Botany) respectively.

Rosemary is best described as a social activist and a scientist with a good knowledge of issues pertaining community healthcare and wellness. Through her years of experience in the healthcare industry and her involvement in social entrepreneurial projects, she is sensitive to the health challenges facing today's working and aging population.  

Few among us can claim to have the experience that Rosemary has to her credit, to have first hand knowledge of what's life like for the under-privileged children in Botswana where she spent a year as a volunteer Science Teacher. Her voluntary services also spans the shores of Indonesia, Malaysia, to Thailand, and Timor Leste, East Java, coastal Indonesian islands, Papua New Guinea to Sarawak, Mongolia and Uganda. 

She believes strongly in applying her knowledge of science and her life experiences towards improving the quality of life of those whom she meets and befriends. Rosemary is also a familiar face in the annual President's Charity event, among many other fund-raising causes, where she tirelessly gives of her time and effort from 2003 to 2007. 

For her contributions she was made Recipient of the Arts Supporter, Patron of the Arts Award, Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts in 2007, and Recipient of the Friend of the MCYS Award, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports also in 2007.

In her search for the legendary waters of Shambala and pursuit for health and wellness, Elixir Botanica was birthed to provide an alternative for individuals seeking greater control over their own lives and health through the healing properties of natural resources and botanical products.

Through Elixir Botanica she hope this dream can become an affordable reality for most.

"Life's beautiful, so live it!" is how Rosemary wants to live out all her life!

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