"What would you do for the love of your parents?"

The EB Story

The story of Elixir Botanica started in 2008, as a last ditch effort to save my father.  In 2007, my father then 73 suffered a second stroke, after an earlier heart attack and stroke, having undergone three angioplasties and getting two stents inserted into his heart.  He was also diabetic and after the last stroke, he could not even remember the names of his children and we were told by the doctors that his condition will only get worse and there was nothing else they can do for him, as there is no medicine for stroke patients.  We were told to be prepared for his impending dementia and Parkinson’s disease, if he does survive the stroke.

As a trained life scientist and my interest in natural medicine, I was determined to do something. Through a lot of hard work, I was able to get hold of a first batch of special antioxidants which I gave to my father.  When my mum saw how quickly my father recovered from his stroke, she was the one who encouraged me to set up this business to help other people in need. 

That was 9 years ago and today my father at 82 is as well as can be, has all his mental faculties intact and was discharged by the National Heart Centre when he turned 80, with his doctor telling him that he was in good health and that he only needed to go for 6 monthly checks at the polyclinics.  Except for his diabetic medication, all other medication was also discontinued. 

I am also grateful to have listened to my mum, because 7 years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was able to also help her to recover faster after her mastectomy, through my supplements and to keep any future cancers away.  Apart from some high blood pressure pills, my mum also does not take any other prescription medication, as the alternative natural supplements she now takes, has helped to keep her cholesterol at very good levels and where she no longer had to take statins for the last 7 years. My mum is the same age as my father and my greatest desire is to keep them well into their nineties.

Over the years, from a handful of immediate family members, Elixir Botanica now has more than 300 regular customers and our product range has grown to over 300 different items in the naturopathic and health supplement range. 

We carry the largest collection of organic or wild-crafted single herb tincture in Singapore plus the largest range of organic natural medicine (homeopathy) for babies and children that are licensed with and approved by Health Canada.

Our impressive range of health supplements for adults, carry the best in class vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies based on the latest research findings in naturopathic medicine and nutrition science.

We hope to that our unwavering efforts to raising better awareness towards the safety and efficacy of health supplements in Singapore and regionally; educating the public on the importance of reading health supplement labels and contributing significantly to the healthy and active aging of our customers and population, will propel Elixir Botanica to a greater audience where we can serve a wider community of people and share the beautiful and true stories of how we can all try and longer healthier lives, and possibly without being prescriptive drug dependent and hooked to life support or dialysis machines in our old age - and without burning a hole in our pockets.

*Updates: In July 2017, my father passed away peacefully after suffering from a sudden onset of pneumonia. While we are very sad to mourn his passing, we celebrate the extra 10 years of wonderful and healthy life he had after recovering from his last stroke in 2007.

And in the last couple of years, our database of clients have grown to more than a thousand. We owe this growth to our loyal clients who have been recommending their family and friends to our store.